Blue Hook Aquatics 7/15/19 New Arrivals
Our most recent arrivals have a HEAVY saltwater selection, particularly different kinds of fancy clown fish; many we have never had...

Blue Hook Aquatics Newest Arrivals 06/15/19
We brought in some very nice Africans ; many of which we haven't had in a while. Another nice fish are the Electric Blue Jack Dempseys -...

Blue Hook Aquatics New Arrivals! 6/01/19
We just brought in another very eclectic mix of fish. Some nice adult male peacocks, some nice smaller/peaceful fish, assassin snails...

Blue Hook Aquatics new arrivals 05/08/19
We have some VERY nice fish newly arrived, with a heavy emphasis on African cichlids this time. Some very colorful adult male peacocks...

New Arrivals Blue Hook Aquatics 04/20/19
Only a handful of new Africans (one of the stunning peacocks is pictured), but the ones that came in are gorgeous! LOTS of new community...

Blue Hook Aquatics Newest Arrivals 03/20/19!!
We have some first time arrivals to the store with this latest round of new fish!! Some of these I am VERY excited to be bringing to the...

03/05/19 Newest Arrivals!
Check out our newest arrivals below! We have some very nice saltwater fish, some big plecos that we rarely get in stock (L95 orange cheek...

2/14/19 New arrivals
Another new round of recent arrivals brings in some VERY nice plecos, lots in good sizes! Also a lot of F1 Malawi and Tanganyikan fish....

1/17/19 Newest Arrivals
Some nice fish in stock that we rarely get (Red Hump Geophagus, Tiger Stripe Silver dollars, Yellow Acaras, and more!); get them while...

12/12/18 New Arrivals
LOTS of good looking new fish! Some very rare haps, some great plecos (Blue Phantoms 5-6"!! & Red Titanic L273), and one 11" Arowana that...