11/12/18 New Arrivals
This newest batch of fish brings in a lot of community fish, some phenomenal plecos (some which we haven't had in a while, or ever!), and...

10/21/18 New Arrivals
We have another large list of new additions! This one is rather African Cichlid heavy, with some very nice F1 haps, that we rarely have...

09/12/18 New Arrivals
We have a LOT of new arrivals to catch up on. Just about something for everyone, with some VERY RARE new fish on the list below....

6/7/18 Newest Arrivals!!
We have TONS of new fish in stock, and there is a lot of selection from each group!! We've had a lot of people ask for true red festaes,...

New Arrivals 5/1/18
We got in some particularly rare Africans this week, as well as some very nice rainbows, and aggressive South/Central American Cichlids....

4/11/18 New Arrivals
We just received two large order at the store. One had a large number of fancy plecos, and the other was a saltwater order with a LOT of...

Top Shelf Aquatics Newest Arrivals 3/28/18
We once again have a little bit of everything this round. A LOT of fancy plecos, and oddballs, some VERY nice male peacocks/haps, and...

New Arrivals 3/5/18
We have a great assortment of oddballs - some nice catfish, Polypterus/Bichirs, and knife fish. We also got in a VERY nice assortment of...

New Arrivals 2/14/18
We have a large shipment of African cichlids, and saltwater this week. Some of the rarer Africans on the list include Albino blue...

New Arrivals 1/13/18
We got a wide selection of different kinds of fish this week, not much in the way of Africans though. Some very nice rainbows (Wapoga red...