New Arrivals 1/5/18
Our most recent order brought in some nice Synodontis catfish that we usually never have available. There are also some nice F1 and wild...

12/14/17 New Arrivals!
We received a good sized shipment of saltwater in recently, and after several weeks everything is settled in very nicely, and ready to...

New Arrivals!! 11/30/17
Our latest arrivals have a good amount of adult male peacocks and haps, as well as our first large order of corals. All are doing well...

New Arrivals 10/26/17
We have very many new fancy plecos to choose from, as well as some very nice new saltwater fish to choose from. A good amount of rare...

9/10/17 New Arrivals!!
This latest round of new arrivals finds something for everyone! Many of these fish we haven't had ever, or for a very long time! Get them...

8/15/17 New Arrivals
Lots of different kinds of African cichlids on this newest batch of fish! Good sizes, and lots of color on a lot of these! Community...

7/25/17 New Arrivals
This update is a little past due, as we have been quite busy as of late. We have received a TON of new, and very nice big plecos. Also,...

6/20/17 New Arrivals
We have another round of awesome new arrivals! There are a LOT of new Tanganyikan cichlids, some nice community fish, and a good amount...

5/31/17 New Arrivals
We have another list of new arrivals that should have something to appeal to everyone! There are quite a few nice community fish on this...

5/1/17 New Arrivals
We have a large selection of rare plecos, and catfish in stock. Some of these plecos are only available once per year, so get them fast...