3/30/17 New Arrivals
We have TONS of new fish in stock, a good amount of Africans on this update, and we still have some KILLER males available as well. The...

New Arrivals 2/21/17
Another large round of orders rolled into one HUGE list below. Stop in and check them out!! AFRICAN CICHLIDS Aulonocara jacobfreibergi...

New Arrivals 1/23/17
We have a VERY long list of new arrivals; a little something for everyone! All of the below fish should be listed under our inventory...

New Arrivals 12/1/16
We have some very nice plecos, apistos, as well as large Malawi males/breeding groups. See below for full listing: Aulonocara Hueseri...

Newest Arrivals 11/06/16
We have a rather African cichlid, and saltwater heavy list below. The larger male peacock/haps are studs!! And we have begun to flesh out...

New Arrivals 10/21/16
We've been very busy here lately, and our list of new arrivals is a few weeks behind. That being said, we have quite a wide selection of...

New Arrivals 9/18/16
Quite a wide variety of new arrivals! * Synodontis eupterus 2.5-3" * Synodontis flavitaeniatus 3" * Corydoras duplicareus 1.5-2" * Gold...

New Arrivals 9/1/16
We have several orders included in this post, LOTS of different kinds and sizes of fish. * Green Neon Tetra .75" * Dwarf Oto cat 1.25"+...

New Arrivals 8/3/16
We got in quite a few NICE plecos this time, along with some very good quality community fish. * Hypancistrus sp. L260 Queen Arabesque ...

Newest Fish Arrivals 07/19/16
Below is a full listing of all of our latest arrivals. Fish are looking good, and are ready for purchase! * Placidochromis phenochilus...